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The Future of Remote Sensing

Published on 6/15/2017
Researchers are exploring the fundamental capabilities of remote sensing through a program that aims to create theoretical models and tools for future remote sensing of ice and snow. This research, directed by Kamal Sarabandi, Rufus S. Teesdale Professor of Engineering, could feed into the development of new sensors for a variety of remote sensing applications.
“The idea of this program is to look into the future,” said Prof. Sarabandi, “determine what new types of measurement can be done remotely, and develop the science and theory for what is and isn’t possible.” Based on the theory, researchers can determine the best ways to monitor the earth, particularly ice and snow levels which have serious ecological consequences.
Prof. Sarabandi has long been a strong proponent for pursuing this type of theoretical research. “Everything we know now was begun 10-20 years ago,” he explained. “You have to first figure out what can and can’t be done before you develop the sensors and too
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