The Future is Now
The mission of the Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSensing and Systems (WIMS2) at the University of Michigan is to advance the design, fabrication, and breadth of the applications for sensor-driven microsensors and systems through research, education, and interactions with industry. Core technologies include new sensing concepts and sensor designs, micro and nanoscale fabrication and packaging methods, micromachined RF filters and resonators, energy scavengers, low-power circuitry, and wireless interfaces. Application areas include wearable, implantable, and microanalytical devices, chemical and environmental sensors, and infrastructure monitoring systems. The applications' focus and interdisciplinary nature distinguishes WIMS2 from other university research efforts. The relevance of this research is shown by the 15+ start-up companies and more than 87 patents the Center has generated.
Our Start
Fantastic Voyage 2 highlights some of the microsystems pioneered at Michigan between 2000 and 2010 |
In 2000, the University of Michigan formed the Engineering Research Center for Wireless Integrated MicroSystems (WIMS) to continue its world-class research on MEMS and microsystems during the coming decade.
The National Science Foundation funded the Center with $40M over ten years, with additional support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Defense, and industry, and in partnership with Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, the University of Utah, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Prairie View A&M, and North Carolina A&T.
In 2010 the Center became a graduated and self-sustaining ERC and continues to operate under the same bylaws. Over the past 18 years, the Center produced over 250 doctoral graduates, nearly 2000 journal articles and conference papers, and 87 patents. Currently, the Center has 43+ faculty and 80+ researchers, and has launched 15+ start-up companies. The combined impact of these activities is now approaching one billion dollars.