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WIMS2 Participates at Hilton Head

Published on 6/8/2014

WIMS2 Participates at Hilton Head


June 8 - 12, 2014 Hilton Head, South Carolina


The sixteenth Hilton Head Workshop on the science and technology of solid-state sensors, actuators, and microsystems was held on June 8-12, 2014. Sponsored in alternating years by the Transducer 

Research Foundation, The Hilton Head Workshop and the Transducers Conference are the leading events for sharing MEMS research in North, Central, and South America. WIMS2 faculty and students presented seven papers from research groups headed by Prof. Mina Rais-Zadeh, Prof. Ted Zellers, Prof. Sherman Fan, Prof. Khalil Kajafi, Prof. Yogesh Gianchandani, and Prof. Kenn Oldham. Professor Rais-Zadeh was also on the Technical Program Committee and chaired the High-Q Resonators Session. With this strong participation, the University of Michigan’s WIMS2 Center continues to demonstrate its leadership in microsystems research.

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Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & Systems (WIMS2)
University of Michigan, College of Engineering
2300A Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bldg.
1301 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122

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