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HomeBiography-Bruce Bateman

Bruce Bateman
Chief Technical Advisor - LITE-ON Technologies
CEO - Sensor and IoT research firm, Bateman Research LLC

Futurist, Quantified Selfer, and Connected Cities Builder, Bruce has been a Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor Constant Traveler, Angel Investor, Startup Advisor, Speaker, Lover of Life. 

For past 15 years focused on wearables and sensors to collect and track personal and environmental data.   Assisted multiple startups to bring wearable technologies to market.  Combining a unique blend of technical, sales, marketing and customer service skills to help companies define, launch and support products / projects for the telecom, AI, wearables, IoT, VR, M2M and enterprise industry.  A pure technical guy  with extensive international experience in manufacturing and distribution, with an understanding of different cultures and business practices.  Having started or been involved early stages of 9 startups, the experiences of success and failures has given Bruce an open and enlighten view of the startup world.

Current and past engagements

LITE-ON Technologies, Taipei, Taiwan: Currently Chief Technical Advisor, previously Chief Technical Advisor.  LITEON is a 42 year old 8 Billion dollar contract manufacture of consumer and industrial electronics.  Including technologies for Smart Car and Smart Cities.  LITE-ON’s street lamp subsidiary Leo Tech has installed over 1 million street lamps worldwide and hundreds of thousands of those street lamps have environmental sensors and or cameras modules.   Advised multiple cities and telecom providers in wireless and sensor deployments.  As CTO for the Smart Life and Applications business group at Lite-On Technologies, Bruce was focused on technologies for Connected life,  which includes full spectrum of wireless and sensor technologies.  Prior to Lite-On, Bruce worked at Ruckus Wireless, Dell Networking, 2Wire, iCast and many more. 

Copyright © 2016
Wireless Integrated MicroSensing & Systems (WIMS2)
University of Michigan, College of Engineering
2300A Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bldg.
1301 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122

Phone: 734-763-2126
Fax: 734-647-2342